Local MPs Tracey Crouch and Helen Grant have formally requested the Secretary of State call in the Gladman application to develop land between Aylesford and Allington.
Further to initial correspondence with MHCLG during the election, when TMBC approved the application to build 840 houses on land in between Hermitage Lane and Allington, Tracey and Helen have raised further concerns with Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State, on the impact of the housing development one both constituencies. A meeting was held before Christmas with the Secretary of State following which both Tracey and Helen have formally written to request he calls in the application given the huge public concern with this application.
Tracey said “I wrote initially during the election to the Department but wanted to elaborate on the significant concerns regarding this application. The meeting was an opportunity to articulate in person these issues in some detail and then follow it up with a further piece of written correspondence. The Secretary of State was very much in listening mode and said he would receive further guidance in due course. Residents are enormously worried about the impact that this development will have on the already creaking infrastructure”
Helen said ‘Most people in Maidstone are staggered that further development in the vicinity of Hermitage Lane is even being considered. The effect upon traffic in this already gravely congested area is of particular concern and I am also worried about the impact this development could have on other vital infrastructure such as GP surgeries, which are already under pressure in Allington and Barming. I therefore really hope the Secretary of State does call it in so that a proper examination can be held, exposing the inappropriateness of this development in full.’