I receive regular letters from constituents who are worried about the protection of birds of prey in this beautiful and very rural constituency, citing the local Hen Harrier population in particular. There is also concern about the related issue of the management of driven grouse shooting.
The Minister has made it clear that the Government is very concerned about hen harrier populations, which is why it took the lead on the Hen Harrier Action Plan:
This sets out what will be done to increase hen harrier populations in England and includes measures to stop illegal persecution.
On a broader note, all wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and there are strong penalties in place for offences committed against birds of prey and other wildlife, with most wildlife crimes carrying up to an unlimited fine and/or a six-month custodial sentence.
On the issue of the management of grouse moors, Ministers have always been clear of the need to phase out rotational burning of protected blanket bog to conserve these vulnerable habitats. Real progress is being made in promoting sustainable alternatives and I am pleased to hear that legislation is being looked at which could help achieve this. Ministers have also been encouraging landowners to adopt sustainable options and continue to work with them constructively. The England Peat Strategy https://www.iucn-uk-peatlandprogramme.org/uk-strategy will be published later this year which will detail further how we can protect, restore, and reduce damage to our peatlands.
I am fully committed to supporting all of these environmental protection measures.